Create PDF document templates with form data.

Create PDF document templates with form data. Complete templates of employment contracts, mandate contracts, annexes, protocols or other documents quickly and easily. Automatically submit completed documents for electronic signature.

Go digital !
The most important benefits of using CONTMAN Forms:
  • Cut the time of completing PDF documents with data from forms.
  • Easier and faster preparation of documents for signing.
  • Reducing costs by managing document versions and automating selected activities.
To może Cię zainteresować
Podpisywanie umów o pracę w formie elektronicznej
Go digital !
The most important possibilities of CONTMAN Forms:
  • Easy and quick configuration of forms.
    Manage versions of PDF documents.
  • Automatic generation of PDF documents with data taken from completed forms.
  • Integration with electronic signature, case flow and archiving services.
Nadal pracujesz w tradycyjny sposób?
Umów rozmowę - opowiemy i pokażemy, jakie korzyści płyną z wykorzystania elektronicznej teczki pracownika.
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