Mobile Signature

Mobile is an app dedicated to supporting business processes regarding approval and signing of documents electronically, on mobile devices.

Key benefits of Mobile Signature:
  • Abbreviating and accelerating business processes and actions so far conducted on paper
  • Tightening security of processes through conducting it all digitally
  • Reducing costs of documents logistics within an organization and in certain cases increasing profitability of an entire organization
  • Inducting an organization to the new level of digital transformation with digitalizing key processes such as commercial and financial.
Key functions of Mobile Signature:
  • Mobile works on majority of mobile devices (tablets) with Android.
  • The app provides access to most CONTMAN functionalities such as documents search, workflow processes
  • It allows signing documents (such as agreements in commercial and economic circulation) with mobile digital signature
  • Standard method of signing is secure, hand-written biometric signature, which represents the process on behavioral level
  • It allows for using any other method of signing documents, f.e. OTP
  • The app can be infinitely adapted to any specific business processes for organizations from various fields and economic sectors.
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Which contracts and documents can be signed electronically?
Application and legal environment:

Majority of documents in economic circulation can be in electronic form and as such can be signed with electronic hand-written signature. Based on polish civil law significant majority of business documents can be signed with regular or advanced mobile signature. Essentially, a contract signed via Mobile is valid and legally binding just like any document signed on paper. It even applies to most regulated sectors of economy such as financial institutions, telecoms, utility companies, etc. For legal actions and declarations of will which require qualified trust services, CONTMAN also provides reliable solution of digital signature.

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