Contract Management

Contract Management is a unique solution for managing contracts, agreements and annexes which allows more effective, faster and more secure cooperation with suppliers and business partners.

Key benefits of Contract Management:
  • Shorter time of preparing and signing a contract
  • Faster and more secure document delivery
  • Guaranteed security of access to contracts
  • Help with managing contracts duration
  • Automation of tasks and projects concerning reissuing, delivering new versions, addendums, annexes, etc.
  • Fast and easy search
  • Avoiding unwanted extensions and connected costs
  • Eliminating costs of managing traditional – paper contracts and archiving
  • In compliance with GDPR.
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Which contracts and documents can be signed electronically?
Key features of Contract Management solution (contract manager):
  • Instant access to contacts no matter when and where
  • Access granted only to authorized employees and business partners
  • Managing contract’s status and duration
  • Reminders when contract needs to be extended or amended
  • Control of contract versions
  • Easy auditing of contracts and process of drawing them
  • Centralized, digital place of management and archiving contracts
  • Annexing contracts
  • Making connections between contracts
  • Possibility of grouping contracts in clients’ files
  • Eliminating possible mistakes
  • Integrating and information exchange about contract conditions and duration with CRM and ERP systems
Digital archiving and workflow

Lower your costs, improve quality and speed of client service and guarantee data and documents security. Implement the top digital archiving and workflow system.

Working remotely?
Schedule a call and we’ll show you how to implement digital contract management.
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